Opening the fifth seal.
A prophet always speaks judgment.
The meaning of the word testimony.
Revelation 6:9, Isaiah 45:1, Amos 3:1-8, Romans 13:1-7, Hebrews 11:30-40, 12:1-4, James 5:7-11
Recorded November 19, 1992 (1130)
Opening the fifth seal.
A prophet always speaks judgment.
The meaning of the word testimony.
Revelation 6:9, Isaiah 45:1, Amos 3:1-8, Romans 13:1-7, Hebrews 11:30-40, 12:1-4, James 5:7-11
Recorded November 19, 1992 (1130)
The seven seals represent all of God’s action in linear time.
A prophet of God always speaks judgment because the purpose of time and space is that you would turn from self.
When your mind doesn’t abandon self, it goes forth conquering and to conquer.
Internal prophesying is spiritual leprosy.
Revelation 6:1-17
Recorded November 17, 1992 (1129)
The four horsemen.
Revelation 6:1-11, 19:1-18, Job 39:19-25, Zechariah 1:7-16, 6:1-8
Recorded November 15, 1992 (1128)
All things in the universe are created by God for God’s pleasure.
The first beast John saw was a lion.
Revelation 4:1-5:14, 10:5-11, 2 Peter 3:1-18, Isaiah 34:1-4, Matthew 24:32-44
Recorded November 12, 1992 (1127)
John and Ezekiel saw the same thing.
Revelation 4:1-11, 1 John 5:4-8, Ezekiel 1:1-15
Recorded November 10, 1992 (1126)
The purpose of the bible is to break through our closed system.
There is no hint of obligation in love. Obligation kills love.
1 John 4:1-6
Recorded November 8, 1992 (1125)
The 7 Churches.
To see Jesus costs you your life.
There are always only 7 churches.
The purpose of discipleship is to find out whether or not you are self seeking.
Revelation 1:1-3:22, Haggai 1:1-15, Malachi 3:1-4:6
Recorded November 5, 1992 (1124)
Without the apprehension of the meat offering, you’ll always either feel you are obligated to someone or someone is obligated to you. The feeling of obligation is deadening and keeps you from knowing the freedom of Christ.
Recorded November 4, 1992 (1123)
When you know you’re accepted by God, you don’t worry about whether people praise or reject you.
Romans 11:33-12:2
Recorded November 3, 1992 (1122)
Psalms of Ascent and Psalms of Enthronement.
Psalm 120-134, 47, 92-98, Revelation 7:9-17
Recorded October 18, 1992 (1121)