Meat Offering (13)

The end result of discipleship is transparency.
Rest in the weakness.
The power of God is manifested in weakness.

Acts 10:34-38, Luke 4:14-30, Isaiah 61:1-11

Recorded September 4, 1991 (999)

Yom Kippur (3)

Obedience is instant.
You’re not going to figure it out later.
It’s by the preaching of the cross that the transfiguration occurs.

Isaiah 28:5-29

Recorded September 19, 1991 (1004)

TYC (39)

Peace in tribulation.
Discipleship is the process where you become useful to God.
When the Lord visits.

Genesis 21:1-8, 2 Corinthians 2:14-17, Isaiah 24:17-21, Jeremiah 23:1-2, Genesis 50:24, Ruth 1:6, Romans 10:6-9, Galatians 2:16

Recorded September 12, 1991 (1001)

TYC (16)

What it means to come in the name of another.
The conspiracy toward common idolatry.

Isaiah 40:27-41:20, John 5:39-47

Recorded June 4, 1991 (963)

Sorry, this got published out of order.