Category Archives: Passover

Passover Prep (3)

Leaven and illicit sex.
The evidence of leaven is lying, by omission or commission.

1 Corinthians 5:1-13, 11:17-31, 2 Corinthians 13:3-8, 3:18-4:18

Recorded March 7, 1991 (928)

Passover Prep (2)

The leaven of Herod and shame.
Shame makes us acutely aware that we lack something.
We have the leaven of Herod because we don’t trust.
You feel lack because you’re worshiping the shame rather than despising the shame.

Jeremiah 3:20-25, Genesis 2:21-25, 7-10, Hebrews 12:1-2, Mark 15:1, 3, 5, 13-14, 16-20, 30-32, 34, Matthew 21:33-46

Recorded March 5, 1991 (927)

Passover (1)

Passover is the betrothal, Tabernacles is the marriage, Pentecost is the empowerment of the bride.

Exodus 12:1-2, Song of Solomon 2:8, 11-13, 6:10

Recorded April 17, 1989 (693)

Plagues (9)

Darkness, death of the firstborn, looking at the lamb, eating the lamb, hiding under the blood.
The cross and Passover cannot be separated.

Exodus 10:23-12:51, John 3:19-21

Recorded April 16, 1989 (692)

Plagues (8)

Hail, locusts, light and darkness, love.

Proverbs 3:5-6, Exodus 10:1-29, Isaiah 40:17-24, 2 Corinthians 7:9-10, 1 John 2:7-11, 3:11-15

Recorded April 13, 1989 (691)

Plagues (7)

God hardens the heart.
The purpose of the plague of hail is to sweep away your refuge of lies.

Exodus 9:12-35, Revelation 8:1-7, 16:21, Isaiah 28:8-20, 1 Corinthians 10:18-21, John 16:1-11

Recorded April 11, 1989 (690)

Plagues (6)

Flies, murrain, boils.
God sent the plagues to show you the vanity of idols.

Exodus 8:25-9:12, Isaiah 1:1-6, 19:1-3, Psalm 22: 14-15, Deuteronomy 4:14-20

Recorded April 9, 1989 (688)