Category Archives: Other 1988

JW Luman Speaks

Relationship is not in deliverance, it is in translation.
Sinai was the place of God’s visitation, Zion is the place of his habitation.

Hebrews 12:18-19, 25, Exodus 15:17-18, Galatians 1:10-11, 15-16

Recorded July 3, 1988 (557)

Finding the Ark

The ark represents the idyllic state of being.
Once you find the ark, you can never be right again.
The ark was a coffin.

Exodus 23:17-30, 24:17-25:22, 1 John 3:6-10, Hebrews 12:18-22, Revelation 11:15-19, Hebrews 9:1-5

Recorded June 22, 1988 (551)

Whited Sepulchres

Any celebration that is not for the resurrected Christ in you is whitening the sepulchre. 
If you think suffering is strange, that is evidence that you have believed the false gospel.

Recorded June 19, 1988 (550)


Except you be converted and become as this little child, you shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. 
Intimacy with God, not doctrine. 

Mark 14,  Matthew 18:1-5,  Romans 8:1-15,  Psalm 127:1-5    

Recorded May 8, 1988 (516)

A Wedding

Teaching on marriage.
You are in a massive crisis.
The garment cannot be spotted by the flesh on the eighth day. 

Recorded April 24, 1988 (512)

Why Law?

History of the Gauls.
The law is the dirt the seed is growing in.
Meaning of adoption.

Galatians 3:18-4:7

Recorded April 17, 1988 (509)