Names are a pretense.
There is only consciousness of sin and consciousness of self by names.
The name becomes a graven image.
Definition of love.
Genesis 2:15- 3:4
Recorded February 6, 1990 (794)
Names are a pretense.
There is only consciousness of sin and consciousness of self by names.
The name becomes a graven image.
Definition of love.
Genesis 2:15- 3:4
Recorded February 6, 1990 (794)
Abandon yourself.
Relationships with people are as real as the laws of gravity.
The penalty for judgment is death.
It’s impossible for you to forgive without an act of the Holy Spirit.
“Love your enemy” and how it relates to forgiveness.
Luke 16:25-17:4, Matthew 5:43-45
Recorded February 4, 1990 (793)
If your forgiveness is not based on perfect justice, it will fail.
Matthew 6:9-15, 18:15-17, 2 Corinthians 5:11-14
Recorded February 1, 1990 (792)
Truces and allies.
The Lord’s Prayer.
The warfare is never external.
You’re either a vessel for Christ or the Antichrist.
2 Corinthians 11:1-3
Recorded January 30, 1990 (790)
What is an offense?
You must know what you are guilty of to know what you’ve been forgiven of.
Spiritual murder.
Luke 17:1-3, Matthew 18:1-22
Recorded January 23, 1990 (788)