Author Archives: Rachael

Prayer (6)

If it’s finished, why is there a need to pray?

Luke 11:5-10, 18:1-8, Philippians 4:11-14, James 5:14-16

Recorded April 28, 1993 (1175)

Prayer (3)

The tree of life is the cross.

Jeremiah 4:10-18, 10:1-25, Isaiah 57:1-10, 40:1-31, Colossians 1:1-6, 23, Romans 10:13-18

Recorded April 22, 1993 (1172)

Prayer (2)

Mind talk is a euphemism for the belief system that influences you.
What it means to empty.

Philippians 1:21-3:18

Recorded April 20, 1993 (1171)

The First Fruit

Everything in your mind is an enemy of faith.
You don’t owe anything to the flesh.
Any thought about tomorrow is bondage.
The resurrection of Christ was the only firstfruit offering that was acceptable.

Romans 8:1-28

Recorded April 18. 1993 (1170)