January 2005
01/03 2 Corinthians 4:11
James 1:13-14
The mystery is that, we of like precious mind, are always given unto death so that the resurrected life of Christ can be revealed in us.
01/04 2 Corinthians 4:15
2 Corinthians 11:23
Everything that you hate, God uses for His purpose. Quitting, in your mind, is the greatest enemy of regeneration. 2 Corinthians 5:18
01/05 Ecclesiastes 6
2 Corinthians 2:14
Back to Ecclesiastes, after a major detour. The believer’s duty is to advocate what is right without regard to the consequences. 2 Corinthians 4
01/06 Ecclesiastes 6:6 Whatever the labor is for the appetite, the cavity can never be filled. To speak of the mystery is to take on the office of Elijah.
01/07 Ecclesiastes 6:6
Philippians 3
You are created to want everything but only Christ will satisfy. We no longer have 900 years to live in order to experience the vanity of everything. This is why we have community – your experiences are not your own but, to be shared with the body of Christ.
01/10 1 Corinthians 1
2 Corinthians 4:15
We are not concerned with activity, we are concerned with receptivity. If you know and practice “how-to,” then there isn’t dependence on God.
01/11 Revelation 12:7
2 Thessalonians 2
The idea of zero. Wondering after the beast. Blasphemy (self-seeking).
01/12 Ephesians 2:16
Colossians 1:9
01/13 1 Corinthians 5:6 The leaven of the Pharisees, Saducees, and Herod. Illusion of the private self.
01/14 Romans 4 If it takes conscious effort, you’ve left the mystery. Can you believe that you can live a life without effort? A true believer can not answer the question “What do you do?”
01/17 Ole talks about his conversion and what Norman Grubb said.
01/18 Ecclesiastes 6
1 Peter 3
Encouragement to rebel, push the barriers. Why? As long as you live in the universe of your own imagination, you are your own god. The real God does not exist in your imagination.
01/19 Ecclesiastes 7
Daniel 3
The terror of God. Going to war with your rebellion. Do you worship cause-and-affect? Do you try to rise above the clouds? Or, do you wait on him?
01/20 Ecclesiastes 7 The good name of Messiah cannot be applied to flesh. Cause-and-affect is the enemy of mercy and grace.
01/21 Ecclesiastes 7
Revelation 14:12
The good name and the anointing oil. Reckon that you are dead and let Christ be in you. 1 Corinthians 15:13, Hebrews 4
01/24 What does it mean to be at rest?
01/25 Ecclesiastes 7
Galatians 2:16
More on the good name. Do we live by his name or our by own understanding? The evidence of spiritual maturity isn’t hearing from God, it is silence.
01/26 2 Corinthians 5 Your life is an illusion because Jesus Christ was the last member of the human race, and the human race died on the cross. Who does that make you?
01/27 Romans 6:6
Galatians 2:17
Understanding the fear of God.
01/28 Isaiah 28
Colossians 2:12-
Time is the great deceiver. The only reason time exists is because of our rebellion. Christ will not be an add-on to your life, he is your life.
01/30 1st Methodist, Sherman TX
01/31 Colossians 2:6 Trying to die to self only elevates self because you’re working it. Salvation of the isolated self is a trick of the antichrist.
February 2005
02/01 Ephesians 1:16-
Genesis 3:22
Naming something means you have dominion over it. To label a thing provides the delusion of control over it. God cannot be named. His faithfulness means you never have to be concerned with your life.
02/02 Romans 7:5- The law is to shut you up and bring you to reckon that you are dead.
02/03 Romans 7 We have the capacity to do good but the inability to do it. When you try to do good, the evil one is right there with you. Debt.
02/04 Ecclesiastes 7
Isaiah 32:13
We are spiritually insane when we keep relying on our selves again and again and expect a different result. Blessed means “not subject to the fates.” Job 42
02/07 Ecclesiastes 7:8
Romans 5
Patience. Glorying in affliction. The evil of coping. Proverbs 14:29
02/08 Ecclesiastes 7:10
Proverbs 21:19-22
Remembering only the good times and pleasures while forgetting the pain and suffering is part of the great deception. Psalms 48, Isaiah 53
02/09 Ecclesiastes 7:12-13 The number of man – 666.
02/10 Ecclesiastes 7:13-14
2 Chronicles 7
Our nature is to seek prosperity and run from adversity. If you’ve made plans, you’ve made an oath. Do you have a pre-determined course of action? James 5:7-12
02/11 Ecclesiastes 7:14
2 Corinthians 13:3-
We, in the world, believe it is heroic to cope. But the power of God is with those who have come to the end of themselves and have seen the vanity.
02/14 Ecclesiastes 7:15
1 Timothy 1:17-
Why does time continue? As long as you are alive God is looking for your repentance. 2 Timothy 2:16-, Job 1
02/15 Job 11
Leviticus 25
The only reason time and space exists is for your transfiguration to take place. Christ left his own transfiguration and endured the cross so that you can experience the same transfiguration. Psalm 37:5, Matthew 17
02/16 Ecclesiastes 7:16
Proverbs 25:16,27
Filling yourself with anything in order to attain glory is foolishness because you, the self, can’t have glory. The purpose of self-consciousness is so you can see the inadequacy of it and get rid of it. John 10:1
02/17 Ecclesiastes 7:17- The evidence that you believe another gospel is that you think suffering is strange. Worldly repentance is to say “I’m sorry, I’ll do it better next time.”
02/18 Ecclesiastes 7:18
I Thessalonians 4
Being free indeed vs. putting on your own constraints. If you are debating things in your mind you’re arguing with a loser.
02/21 Ecclesiastes 7:19-21
Ezekiel 28
Tyre is the fortress of your mind and a type of antichrist. David is a type of Christ.
02/22 Matthew 15:21
Ecclesiastes 7:22
Resting in the fact that greater is he who is in you than any demon who is in the world. Romans 3:9-
02/23 Ecclesiastes 7:23
02/24 Ecclesiastes 7:24-25 The travail causes you to either become a victim or to become humble. The mind is programmed for self-seeking and you can’t reverse this. You can only empty yourself of it.
02/25 Ecclesiastes 7:26
Revelation 17
The allure of the whore of Babylon is to cause you to go anywhere else but God for your sustenance.
02/28 Ecclesiastes 7:26
Numbers 25
Truth is the sustained consciousness of your own error. Coping is the worst thing you can do spiritually.
March 2005
03/01 Ecclesiastes 7:26
Numbers 25
The spear of Phinehas and the centurion. John 19:31-
03/03 Gary speaks on trust and self-denial.
03/04 Ecclesiastes 7:26
John 19
Ripping of the vale and exposing the holy of holies occurs in each of us.
03/07 Ecclesiastes 7:26
03/08 The bones of Messiah cannot be broken. More on the spear of Phinehas. The greatest gift of all is Christ. Don’t sell him for some earthly idea or trinket.
03/09 Romans 10 The meaning of the crucifixion.
03/10 John 2:15- How do you deny Jesus Christ? Do you complain, are you discontent, do you want things to be different?
03/11 Ecclesiastes 7:27
Genesis 3:22
You have one God or you have many. With many gods, there is room for your own inventions. When you judge for yourself what is good, evil is present also.
03/14 Ecclesiastes 7:29
Genesis 3:22-24
The inventions of our minds are the antithesis of God’s desire.
03/15 Ecclesiastes 7:29
Psalm 99
Man’s inventions displease God. Psalm 106
03/16 Ecclesiastes 7:29
Psalm 106:19-30
Concluding summary on man’s inventions.
03/17 II Timothy 3:1-5
Hebrews 2:10-15
The risk of faith vs. keeping yourself alive.
03/18 Ecclesiastes 8:1-3
II Corinthians 10:1-6
Leaving the eternal now. Ezekiel 8:5-12
03/21 Ecclesiastes 8:3
Ezekiel 9
You can’t change perfection. You can’t add to eternity. Proverbs 3
03/22 Ecclesiastes 8:3
Job 5
Leaving the now is leaving His presence. Hebrews 12:1-11
03/23 Matthew 6:6
Psalm 27:1-5
You leave His presence every time you lean on your own arm of understanding and try to figure something out. Psalm 31, Psalm 91, Genesis 28:14-15
03/24 Leviticus 26:14-46 Despise thou not the chastening of the Lord.
03/25 Colossians 1:12-29
Deuteronomy 28:15-
03/28 Ecclesiastes 8:1
Luke 16:15
Spiritual wisdom is beyond our ability to understand with our mind. Golden calfs. I Samuel 16:7, Isaiah 55:6-9, Exodus 34:29-35
03/29 Ecclesiastes 8:1
Galatians 3:11-20
A mystery happens when wisdom is full – it causes the face to shine. It requires leaving the familiar patterns and living in constant dependence on God. Exodus 19:1-6
03/30 Romans 8:28-39
Luke 22:39-53
If you don’t know that Christ is in you, you can’t repent. The only way you can know it is by unknowing everything else. John 18:1-12
03/31 Ecclesiastes 8:1
Numbers 6:22-27
‘Shine’ means ‘ray of light’ and ‘luminous’. The only way the light within you can be revealed is when everything else in you is destroyed. Matthew 17:1-2, Romans 11:33-12:2, Job 41 & 42
April 2005
04/01 II Corinthians 3:12-4:13
Psalm 31
Transfiguration. Transparency. James 1:22-25, Galatians 2:16-20
04/04 John 3:16-21 Self-redemption. Molten images of brass, silver, and gold.
04/05 Ecclesiastes 8:1
I Corinthians 13
Seeing through a glass darkly. Your mind is the only obstacle to peace because your mind is the only thing that is not subject under Him. Problem is, you don’t speak what’s there. Hebrews 2:6-9
04/06 Psalm 67
Psalm 80
The light within is darkened by you. You love the darkness more than the light because you want your own redemption. You love your imagery and illusions of control. You must take the risk to open your mouth and speak.
04/07 Ecclesiastes 8:1
Psalm 139
Wherever you go he is there. The only place he is not is in the thoughts and imaginations of your mind. Psalm 80:14-19
04/08 Matthew 8:10-13, 23, 25:30, 4:12-17, 5:13-18 Darkness
04/11 Ecclesiastes 8:1
Proverbs 4:10-19
What keeps His people from being a shining light? There is nothing you can do to improve yourself. What is required is your own death. II Samuel 23:1-4
04/12 The Plagues on Egypt. 1st plague: the river of life turned to blood.
04/13 Genesis 3:14-15 2nd plague: frogs. God’s people had accepted the gods of Egypt.
04/14 Exodus 8:16-32
Job 42:1-6
3rd and 4th plagues — Lice causes you to abhor your flesh; flies defile your form of worship.
04/15 Exodus 9:1-12
Isaiah 1:5-7
5th plague on Egypt – pestilence on the livestock.
04/18 Exodus 9:8-12
Deuteronomy 4:14-20
6th plague: boils. The world is an iron furnace. Isaiah 26
04/19 Exodus 9:13
Proverbs 16:1-4
How can a loving God send evil and cause hurt? Psalm 23, Romans 9:13-23
04/20 Let the plagues destroy your gods. Entering the land won’t take place while you are trying.
04/21 Exodus 9:13-35
Revelation 8:1-8
The purpose of the plagues is to cause your heart to melt. Not one value system that you’ve accepted can withstand them. 7th plague: HAIL! Revelation 16:21, Isaiah 28:8-15, Isaiah 32:13-20
04/22 Exodus 10:1-20
Isaiah 40:12-22
Locusts. Jeremiah 51:13-14, 26-27
04/25 Exodus 10:21-29
Genesis 15:7-16
Darkness. We’ve spent our lifetime avoiding the darkness. We kindle our own sparks. The night has come where no man can work. Matthew 27:41-45, Isaiah 50:10-11, Revelation 6:12-14, Revelation 10:5-7
04/26 Isaiah 42
I John 2:7-14
There is nothing you can do to overcome the darkness.
04/27 John 1:1-15
John 3:18-21
Darkness and Light. Genesis 1:1-5, Exodus 10:22-23, Galatians 2:16-19
04/28 Review of the Plagues. The plagues are everything that has gone wrong with you. They are not optional. Their purpose is to cause you to reject the idols and value systems of the world.
04/29 Exodus 11 & 12 The death of the firstborn. You and I are the ones who killed the Passover Lamb.
May 2005
05/02 Leviticus 23 Counting of the Omer
05/03 Isaiah 52:10-12
II Corinthians 6:11-17
Counting of the Omer starts when Christ is resurrected in you. The 49 gates of impurity represents coming out of everything you think is good.
05/04 Proverbs 31:23
Luke 18:18-
The first fruit offering represents the resurrection of Christ.
05/05 Acts 1:1-4
Luke 24:12-33
Counting of the Omer, going through the gates of impurity, being rid of all that you think is good.
05/06 John 20:17-21:19 The single most important thing that happened during the counting of the omer.
05/09 I Corinthians 1:17-18
II Corinthians 2:14-17
The meaning of the preaching of the cross. James 1:22-25, Isaiah 57:1-10
05/10 Romans 11:33-12:2 Holiness through complete yieldedness.
05/11 Acts 1:4-11
Acts 2
Christ’s ascension
05/12 Matthew 22:34-40 Counting the Omer – giving importance to Him only, with all they heart, soul and mind.
05/13 John 15:7-1 The oneness of God and the work of the Holy Spirit.
05/16 Proverbs 18:17-19
Numbers 16
The purpose of Pentecost is that you will no longer take offense. Numbers 3
05/17 Isaiah 9:6
Numbers 16
The idea of Pentecost is that the government is no longer on your own shoulders. Every time you take something in your own hands, you are participating in Korah’s rebellion.
Note: We only got half of this morning’s Bible study. The battery died. Sorry. I Corinthians 10:1-14, Ezekiel 8:7-12
05/18 Acts 2 The Day of Pentecost
05/19 Isaiah 25 & 26 The destruction of your walls and fortresses must be total.
05/20 Acts 2:14-47 Pentecost: You cannot know that everything is finished until you are finished with everything. It is not good news to you unless you’ve come to the end of yourself.
05/23 Jeremiah 3 There is either the bride or the whore.
05/24 Genesis 3:22-24
Revelation 20:11-21:3
From that Passover to the Pentecost, the whole universe was turned upside down. It’s finished. II John, Hebrews 10:5-20, Colossians 1:12-22
05/25 II Thessalonians 2 We are in the last day. You can’t see it is finished until you see that you’re finished.
05/26 Acts 7:54-60
Acts 9:1-16
The Damascus Road experience. It is hard for you to resist the divine impulse. Seeing Jesus as all and in all. Acts 26:11-16
05/27 I Timothy 3:16
Romans 8:28-39
The Ascension sealed the fate of the human race. John 16:1-15, I Peter 4:1-6
05/31 Isaiah 50:5-11
Isaiah 57:1-10
Thou art wearied in the greatness of thy way; yet saidst thou not, There is no hope: thou hast found the life of thine hand; therefore thou wast not grieved.
June 2005
06/01 Ephesians 1:15-23 All was made possible by His ascension. Pentecost turned everything upside down – the Holy Spirit brought the New Jeruselem down.
06/02 Ephesians 1:20-2:10
Romans 11:34-12:2
You who were dead has he made alive. As long as you are walking according to the course of this world, you are inviting the Holy Spirit to be your enemy.
06/03 Ephesians 3:9-21
Phil 1:15-2:11
The exceeding glory and the ever present mystery is never about what’s going on in your life. Your capacity to think through issues and concerns is just plain goofy. Let your total concern be the will of God only. We, in emptiness, are as He is in this world.
06/06 Hebrews 1, 2:8-9
If you have eyes to see, you are living in the kingdom of light. If not, you are living in the kingdom of darkness, trying to get it right (which never works). The worst thing you can have in the kingdom of darkness is the ability to cope. You can’t know Him until you’ve come to the end of yourself.
06/07 Romans 7:24-8:11
Philippians 3:17-21
It is impossible for a believer to need anything. Any perceived need is the Holy Spirit revealing to us that we’ve returned to the kingdom of darkness.
06/08 The gospel comes as ‘good news’ only when we see our failure and the failure of all the systems around us. You see that something is wrong, you can’t make it in the world, the world no longer holds any interest. We are aliens in a bizarre land. The desires of our mind only bring more emptiness. Our calling is to see that.
06/09 Hebrews 10
II Peter 3
For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified. The only way to be without spot and blameless is to abandon yourself and trust that the only righteousness you have is Him.
06/10 The entire work of God is one thing: to believe on Him who He has sent. Belief is 100% reliance. The gospel totally and completely violates common sense. It is ridiculousness to the human mind.
06/13 Matt. 7:21-23
Psalm 6
Christ is always going to say to us when we’re trying to be righteous and get it right, “Depart from me, ye workers of iniquity.” The place God wants us to be in is a place of crying out to Him. At the end of our rope is a blessed place. We don’t like it, but that is where peace is because there is contentment in crying out to God.
06/14 Mark 11:15-26 The disciples turned the world upside down, not by establishing better principles of life, but by their faith. Living by the faith of God is a wholly different manner of life. All He wants from you is your emptiness.
06/15 John 3:1-13
Mark 8:31-38
A return to the basics: The meaning of ‘born again’. Matt 18:1-4
06/16 Matthew 22:23-34 You can go a long time convincing yourself that your belief systems are working, but at some point you either have to admit that they have failed you or be a hypocrite. To see that it is finished costs you everything you hold dear, especially your belief systems.
06/17 John 6:26-59 The work of God is to believe only on Him whom He has sent. He is the bread of life who alone is the only thing that gives me sustenance and satisfaction. The wine (his blood) is the only thing that gives me worth. The way gets narrower and narrower until there is only Him.
06/20 Daniel 7:13-14
Mark 1:14-15
When you see this mystery, nothing else can compete. Daniel 9:24-27, John 16:1-7, Ephesians 1:17-23
06/21 Hebrews 5:10-6:2, II Corinthians 12:1-13 If you are doing your best you are a fool. The minute you try to work anything or try to get something right, your reward is not reckoned of grace but of debt. You build an entirely new theology to justify working it. Then you have to become a liar and a hypocrite because nothing works when you try to work it. Psalm 23
06/22 Revelation 21, 12
II Corinthians 10:3-5
Your value systems come from making the parameters small enough to make you think you’ve proved something.
06/23 Luke 22
John 18, 1
The difference between trespass and sin. A believer can’t have a need. In order to ask in His name, you have to be seated on the mercy seat.
06/24 Revelation 5 The 4 beasts.
06/27 Revelation 5
Colossians 1
And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled. By one offering you have been perfected forever. So why the hell are you analyzing yourself? What are you worried about? You can’t change perfection, so quit with the self-redemptive activities.
06/28 Revelation 6:1-2
James 1:12-15
The rest of Revelation is a contrast to 5:13-14. It shows how man can never accept that it is done. Revelation 19:11-16
06/29 Ezekiel 8:3-12
Deuteronomy 32
Understanding the jealousy of God so that you will no longer go to your imaginations for anything. Every time you go up there for help, you are letting out the white horse whose rider is going forth conquering and to conquer, who has a bow but no arrows.
06/30 Revelation 6:3-6
Matthew 24:4-7
The rider of the white horse never rides alone.
July 2005
07/01 II Corinthians 2:14-17
2 Timothy 2:24-3:5,
Truces. Those that are dissatisfied with truces make everyone mad at them because they disrupt everything. People that don’t have the ability to cope with truces are called social misfits. But spiritually they are the most important members of the body.
07/05 Revelation 6:7-8
James 1:12-15, 4:1-4
Anybody who believes that something is yet to happen before they can be satisfied or complete – spiritually they are a pagan. You can live a life of peace, without regard to your condition or the state you find yourself in.
07/06 Revelation 6:9-10
Romans 11:33-12:2
Seeing the finishedness. It’s either finished or you have more to do than you ever dreamed of doing and no resources to do it. There is not a possibility of a believer having anything left to do or fix or take care of. Isaiah 32:13-17
07/07 Revelation 12:7-12
Revelation 6:9-10
Seated on the mercy seat or dwelling on the earth? Dwelling in the heavens and living by faith means that nothing can interrupt the peace and no importance given to things you can perceive with the senses.
07/08 Revelation 6:10
Matthew 3
Nothing about the flesh can be made right for the kingdom of God. The only one that can bring forth good fruit and pass through to eternity is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
07/11 Revelation 6:10-12
Hebrews 12
On the path of sanctification there is a shaking of all things and our own way becomes more and more abhorrent to us.
07/12 Revelation 6:12
Matthew 7:21-27
Nothing can withstand the shaking except the one truth, which is Jesus Christ. The shaking is to get you to see wherever you look the finished work of Christ. Hebrews 12:18-29
07/13 Revelation 6:12-17 Everything is shaken so you’ll find out whether or not you reside in the kingdom of God.
07/14 Revelation 6:15-17 The reason people hide in the rocks and ask the mountains to fall on them.
07/15 Galatians 4:19-31
Revelation 11:7-8
Preparing for the Fast of Tammuz. Seeing what is going on inside the temple.
07/18 Daniel 9:20-27
II Thessalonians 2:1-4
If all the prophesies in Daniel 9 have been fulfilled, then all that is left to do is destroy idolatry. The only warfare is against your own mind.
07/19 Amillennialism
07/20 Matthew 24:10-18
Deuteronomy 13
The abomination of desolation.
07/21 Deuteronomy 18:9-13 A warning against the practices of all men.
07/22 Isaiah 66, 1:1-9
Revelation 11:7-8
God revealed the mystery in the sacrifices, feasts, tabernacle, etc. as a pattern so that people can see through the pattern. Doing these things for for any reason other than to see Him is an abomination.
07/25 Luke 16:15 That which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.
The evil of self-realization and how-to.
07/26 Daniel 2:45-3:30
John 5:39-40
When Nebuchadnezzar made a 60-cubit image of gold, he thought he was honoring the God of Daniel. Cause and effect are the greatest enemies of mercy and grace.
07/27 Jeremiah 3:6-15 What it means to play the harlot, commit adultery with stones, and acknowledge your iniquity.
07/28 Jeremiah 7 Between the Straits. Understanding 1) How much God hates idolatry, and 2) How common idolatry is. The whole message is: God doesn’t need your help. He won’t fight your efforts. As long as you’re trying, He gives place to you.
07/29 Jeremiah 3:16-
Hebrews 6:1-3
The New Jerusalem, our abiding reality. When you are under the mercy seat you no longer think the things of God are anywhere else.
August 2005
08/03 Galatians 2:16-
Isaiah 28:7-13
The purpose of the period between the straits is to destroy all of your ideas of the way things should be until there is not one stone standing on another.
08/04 Romans 5:1-11
II Timothy 2:7-13
When the glory of God filled the temple, no one could be in the temple. The same is now. If you have hope in anything other than Christ in you, the hope of glory, then you are a fool.
08/05 John 3
08/08 Reasons the temple was destroyed.
08/09 Isaiah 40
Micah 4:1-7, 7:7-9
The first of the seven consolations.
08/10 John 1:1-14
Colossians 1:9-17
Lowliness of mind is everything that we hate, but everything we hate is the only way of the mystery of God. Philippians 1:27-2:8
08/11 John 16:25-33
Isaiah 40:8-10
Theology. I John 2:12-18, I John 4:1-4
08/15 Isaiah 49:10-50:11 It’s when you think that everything is wrong that things are eminently right.
08/16 John 17 A glimpse into the Holy of Holies and the intimacy between the Son and the Father.
08/17 I John 1:5-10, 5:17-20,
Christ in you is not you. II Thessalonians 2:1-4
08/18 John 17
08/19 Romans 7:9-25 Everyone begins the process of believing in Christ thinking that doing so is going to improve their life, fix things, and get everything straightened out. You cannot truly repent and leave yourself behind until you can reckon the terribleness of the body of death.
08/22 Isaiah 54:11-55:5 The third of the seven consolations that are read between the Fast of Ab and Rosh ha-Shana.
08/23 II Corinthians 8:8-12
Romans 15:18
Being faithful to what is in front of you. It matters not what you don’t have.
08/24 If you believe that in your heart He was resurrected from the dead and you confess with your mouth that He is the Christ, you will be saved. You can’t do that unless you’ve been born again, unless you’ve come to the end of your own striving and allowed Him to live your life. This is staggering. That is why it is the mystery that has been hid from all ages and all generations.
08/25 1 John 4:1-3
2 John 6, 3 John
More on the mystery that has been hidden for all ages.
08/26 Revelation 13 A picture of Babylon and the human race.
08/29 Isaiah 51:12-52:12 The 4th of the seven consolations. The 7 consolations are to console Israel after the destruction of the temple. In type, they are to console you while you wait for the promise on high, the birth of Christ in you, the hope of glory.
08/30 Revelation 13 Many walk who are the enemies of the cross of Christ… who mind earthly things. 666 is the number of all men.
08/31 Isaiah 54:1-10 The 5th consolation. There is nothing today which He isn’t the author of. And if he is the author of it then you know it’s for your benefit.
September 2005
09/01 Isaiah 60 The 6th consolation. If you see the gospel as good news you will only see that which enhances you and you will become of no value to God.
As long as you have options you can’t hear.
09/02 Isaiah 61:8-63:19 The 7th (last) consolation. Can you stop expecting something after the flesh? Can you live in 100% dependence on God? And see the emptiness of concern for yourself and concern for tomorrow.
09/06 Psalm 27 Rosh Ha Shanah: The birth of Christ – in you. Judgement Day. The book of life is opened. Now it is only Christ in you the hope of glory. The beginning and end of everything. Only those who’ve come to the end of all things can celebrate it.
09/07 Psalm 27 More on Psalm 27 and Rosh Ha Shanah.
09/08 On Rosh ha Shana Christ is born, it’s Judgement Day, and the two books are opened.
09/09 Four things that cancel the judgement of doom at Rosh Ha Shana. The main one is a change in your name. Your whole life you’ve had a haunting feeling that you didn’t invent yourself right. It’s true, you didn’t.
09/12 Rosh ha Shana. All the harvest has to be in so that you have no more seeds to plant.
09/13 II Peter 3:9-14 Rosh Ha Shana is a time to examine yourself to see whether you’re in the faith. Know you not that Jesus Christ is in you? If you don’t know that, you’re still left to your own devices. Unforgiveness will keep you locked in the kingdom of darkness.
09/14 Nehemiah 8 On Rosh Ha Shana the ram’s horn is blown and the law is read.
09/15 Joshua 6
Philippians 3:7-14
The walls of Jericho fell at the blast of the trumpet on Rosh Ha Shana. Ephesians 1:16-19
09/16 Colossians 2 Can’t do the law or all the things you’ve made up as laws. If you have integrity you must come to the conclusion that you cannot do them. Or, continue being a hypocrite and act like you do them. The purpose of law is to bring you to the place of hope, and hope is all about the resurrection.
09/19 One man fully empty, fully yielded to the Spirit of God is the most powerful force in the universe.
09/20 John 6:28-40 Nothing that happens in time and space can affect you who are in eternity. As He is in the world, so are we. If you think you have something to do, that locks you in time.
09/21 Ezekiel 8
09/22 Ezekiel 8 What does it mean to defile the temple? Weeping for Tammuz and looking to the East.
09/23 Ezekiel 9 The function of time and space is to have a people without idolatry. Those without idolatry are said to have the mark of God on their foreheads. Those with idolatry are said to have the mark of the beast on their forehead and right hand.
09/26 Isaiah 57 Why continue doing the stupid thing?
09/27 Isaiah 57:10-21
Zecharia 2:13
When you’ve found the life of your own hand, it keeps you from being empty, meek. You must reach a point where you have hope in nothing except the resurrection. Revelation 8:1, Isaiah 61:1
09/28 Isaiah 58
Malachi 1
09/29 Leviticus 10
Joshua 7
If you could understand the things that occured on Yom Kippur, great fear would come over you. Psalm 91
09/30 Gary Buckner talks about having ideas, annulment of vows, forgiveness.
October 2005
10/03 Matthew 5:33-37
James 5:1-12
The Kol Nedrei – the annulment of vows. What is a vow?
10/04 Mark 7:14-23
Deuteronomy 23:21-23
More on the Kol Nedrei. II Corinthians 10:3-6, Hebrews 9:11-14
10/05 II Peter 3:9-15
Matthew 12:33-37
The Kol Nedrei. It’s either all Him or all you. There is no in between. James 3:1-12
10/06 John 8:31-
Matthew 7:21-
There is absolutely nothing in our culture, even in the religious culture, that defines the true state of man. Everyting is trying to move you toward the fulness of your potential. It is the lie. And it is incomprehensible in our culture that it could be a lie. Somehow you have to recognize that from God’s perspective you are nothing but wounds and bruises and putrefying sores.
10/07 Romans 7:20-21 Nobody believes what we’ve been talking about, that there is nothing good or redeemable in you and you can’t be fixed. Can you see why you have to abandon yourself?
10/10 Matthew 21:33-46
II Corinthians 5:14-17
The Feast of Tabernacles. Parable of the vineyard. If anyone is in Christ he is a new creature.
10/11 Luke 18:9-14
Matthew 22:1-14
An attitude that a believer must have. The parable of the pharisee and the publican. The parable of the wedding feast.
10/12 Why Tabernacles is so critical to the mystery, and why it’s critical that you have the right garment on. The right garment is “I am the worst of the worst, I have no rights, I have no expectations of being treated any better than Christ was.”
10/13 Psalm 120
Psalm 121
The Psalms of Ascent are key to understanding the mystery of Christ.
10/14 Psalm 122-134 The rest of the Psalms of Ascent.
10/17 I John 1:1 – 2:11 Knowledge is not knowing about, it is being about.
10/18 I John 2:11-16 You walk in the Spirit by the abandonment of self. The result is you will love the brethren. It’s not a should, it’s a what-is. If you’re not walking in the Spirit, you will try to love the brethren, or you will learn principles of doing it, but when it is tested you will find out that your love of the brethren goes only so far.
10/19 I John 2:15-3:3 Everything about the world is the antithesis of the mystery of God, and it’s purpose is to test and see whether anything can pull you away from loving only the Father. To say that Jesus is the Christ means you believe that everything is as it should be at this moment and that it is finished.
10/20 I John 3:4-10
10/21 I John 3:1-10 No matter how hard you try or what you do, you cannot do righteousness. The seed of Christ has always been your only real identity. It requires no effort on your part.
10/24 I John 3:11-13
10/25 I John 3:16-22 Every single aspect of your walk is that you might walk in assurance before him. If you do not walk in assurance before him, it means you are still double-minded. Sanctification is getting rid of being double minded. That happens when you find out that your mind leads only to death.
10/26 I John 3:23-4:3 If there isn’t love, it has nothing to do with the other person. It only means that the Holy Spirit something in you that requires a deeper repentance and turning from self. He is come in the flesh and all things are perfect after the Father’s good will.
10/27 I John 4:1-9 There can’t be any part of you that you trust. The exhortation is to test every spirit, voice, whatever it is that comes at you. Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God. If your mind says, “If this changes, then things will be better for me,” it is a lie.
10/28 I John 4:4-6 The whole process of sanctification is one of unlearning and it comes only by the preaching of the cross. The resurrection of Christ in you is the only kind of hope in the New Testament. Think in terms of eternity and perfection and you’ll see how stupid you’ve been, that your warfare is really over. God doesn’t want you to have an identity; He wants you to have your true personality, which can only be revealed when your identity is gone.
10/31 I John 4:15-5:1 The human race doesn’t have the capacity to love. All you can love is whatever benefits yourself. The commandment to love your brother is a commandment because you can’t do it. The only way you can have fear of God is to see your hopelessness. You have to die, which is the meaning of the cross. God’s wonderful plan for your life is Jesus Christ and He can’t occupy where you are.
November 2005
11/01 I John 5:1-8 If you find yourself not loving, you can’t attempt to love or learn to love. That will only increase hypocrisy. You can only repent. There are no exceptions. You don’t overcome the world by becoming better at doing world stuff. Wanting to be successful in the world is the opposite of overcoming the world. The coping mechanisms you’ve learned are really about being able to exist in a state of aloneness. It’s learning to survive in hell, and there is nothing worse than that desperate aloneness.
11/02 I John 5:5-6 His people conduct their lives as though, always, Jesus is the Son of God.
11/03 I John 5:5-8
11/04 I John 5:7-10
II Corinthians 2:14-17
11/07 I John 5:9-12 If you hear the witness of man, the witness of God is greater, so that nothing can trouble the waters.
11/08 I John 5:9-10 If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater. It’s true in every arena of your life, regardless of whether the witness of men is justified in anyone’s mind. He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself. But the witness in yourself is covered over until you fail.
11/09 Hebrews 12 God has put millions of obstacles in your path so you would stop. To not be able to come up with a solution is the beginning of the fear of God. At the fear of God the response is what the scriptures call supplication.
11/10 I John 5:11-16 The bride lives by total dependence and the whore lives by cause-and-effect. The greatest enemy of the mystery of God is ‘how-to’, which takes you away from dependence on God.
11/11 I John 5:14-21
I Sammuel 2:12-17
Matthew 12:25-32
11/14 Hebrews 10:14-22
11/15 Hebrews 10:14-25 You have to see that your efforts, no matter how wonderful they are, are empty, futile, worthless, and you have failed. Then you have nothing to lose and you want nothing. You work as unto the Lord and you don’t care about the results because they are his business.
11/16 Hebrews 10:22-25 We hold fast to the profession of faith, that it is finished.
11/17 Integrity.
11/18 2 John The whole truth of the gospel on one little parchment of paper.
11/21 II John 7-11
III John
The gospel has already been preached to every creature under heaven. The great commission is not a command. If you believe you will speak because it will consume you. If you don’t believe, you will run around and hide or you’ll try to speak it, but what comes out will be something other than the gospel. I Corinthians 5:8-13, Colossians 1:3-6, 23, I Peter 4:5-6
11/22 Philippians 1:1-18 If he that began a good work in you will perform it, then all the pressure is off you. To be without offense is to consider yourself dead and give no importance to your ideas and opinions.
11/23 Philippians 1:1,15-18 Meaning of servant, bondslave. Getting meaning from doing something that you think is important is self-redemption. Being a victim is a form of self-deification.
11/28 Philippians 1:18-28 Believers don’t do signs and wonders, they are signs and wonders because they are a threat to all value systems that exist and they are a token of perdition to their adversaries.
11/29 Philippians 2:1-6
Isaiah 1:2-9
11/30 Philippians 2:5-13 When emptiness occurs you will see the futility and meaninglessness of your human effort, that your very perceptions of life are wrong, and that it is God’s good pleasure to give you all things freely. If there is a response other than emptiness, you have resurrected the evil one.
December 2005
12/01 Philippians 2:9-12
John 17
You have to have an idea of what the glory of God is before you can understand carrying out your own salvation in fear and trembling. Romans 8:18
12/02 Our attempts at anything are just stupid. That is why we are so fortunate, because we failed at everything.
12/05 Philippians 2:13
Isaiah 26:10-14
Nothing can stop the working of God in you except you. The working of God in you is dependent on your recognition of one singular thing: the futility and emptiness of your efforts.
12/06 Philippians 2:14-15
II Peter 3:9-18
If you’re trying to be instead of just being, you don’t know that there is nothing left to happen. Sanctification means that you have been apprehended by that which has already occurred.
12/07 Philippians 2:15 The crooked and perverse nation is any nation you are in, with its society, system of thought, lies, etc.
12/08 Philippians 2:15-18
II Timothy 4:1-6
12/09 Philippians 3:1-3 Dogs, evil workers, the concision, and the evil little tricks that each of us do.
12/12 Philippians 3:3-6
John 4:19-24
12/13 Philippians 3:7-10
Galatians 6:12
Once you have tasted the mystery there is nothing in the universe that can compare to it and everything else is as dung. There is nothing heroic about giving up dung. The process of sanctification will test where you are trying to protect you and what you have.
12/14 Luke 1:26-35 The real subject of Hanukkah is Mary. There was nothing right about her life except her humility and emptiness. The essence of Hanukkah is – I don’t have what it takes, I can’t do this.
12/15 Luke 1:35
Romans 5:1-3
Whatever need you have or situation you’re in, the issue is to never lean on your own understanding, but rather simply admit what is going on and know and believe that the Holy Spirit will come upon you in your emptiness.
12/16 Luke 1:35
Isaiah 40:12-15
From God’s perspective, rebellion is simply you following your own perceptions as opposed to the simplicity of the faith of Mary. The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee. That’s the entirety of the gospel. Romans 11:32-36, Numbers 9:15-23
12/19 Philippians 3:2-10
I Peter 3:18-21
Having lost the right to be right.
12/20 Philippians 3:9-11
Galatians 1:8-12
To justify yourself in the flesh is to establish your own rightness. Our righteousness is in Him. If we establish our own rightness we make His rightness of no effect.
12/21 Philippians 3:9-10
Ezekiel 8:7-12
The purpose of being in community and the purpose of preaching are that your rules will be violated. We will separate ourselves from community when we have to try and prove the validity of your own rightness.
12/22 Philippians 3:10-11
Romans 6:3-4
The shame. The acting like you’re doing right, which you’ve done your whole life despite the fact that you’ve never done right. We don’t need to sweat the crap any more; you never again need to be right or do right; it’s not your business.
12/23 Philippians 3:9-15 Being fully tested goes against our love of safety and our defenses against being exposed. Pressing toward the mark is not about doing anything; it is letting go of everything.
12/27 Philippians 3:17-20
Romans 12:1-2
There is only one purpose, only one thing going on, and everything else is a deception.
12/28 Philippians 3:20-4:7 Not being able to be or do anything you think you should is the best news there is. The peace of God which passes all understanding never makes sense to your mind.
12/29 Philippians 4:8 The true meaning of intellectual integrity.
12/30 Philippians 4:9
Romans 14:22-23
Condemning yourself in the things that you approve as opposed to living on the knife edge of soul and spirit.