January 2004
01/05 II Peter 1:1 “Servant”
01/06 II Peter 1:1 “Peter”
01/07 II Peter 1:2
01/08 Psalm 139
01/12 II Peter 1:2-4 “Peace.” Walk away from the dung.
01/13 II Peter 1:4-8 Do you have the guts to live the christian life, or are you going to live in your aloneness?
01/14 II Peter 1:4-19 Stop the insanity.
01/15 II Peter 1 Tent for a night.
01/16 II Peter 2 What is heresy?
01/19 II Peter 2 Leaving self behind.
01/20 II Peter 2
01/21 II Peter 2:4 Locked in time vs. free in eternity.
01/22 II Peter 2:8-8
I Timothy 6:6
Being in a position where God has to provide.
01/23 Jude Background on the book of Jude. Sorry about all the coughing.
01/26 II Peter 2:9-10
Romans 13:1-4
The meaning of whining.
01/27 Forgiveness. Dying to self. Gossip.
01/28 II Peter 2:10 Ronnie’s Mother
01/30 II Peter 2:15-22 Wells without water. The true vomit. Digging around in the dirt.
February 2004
02/03 II Peter 3:1
Philippians 2:5
The mind of Christ. Harry’s question about correcting behavior.
02/05 Revelation 19 The illusion of time. The view from the desert.
02/06 II Peter 3:9-10
I Thessalonians 4:13-5:6
Thief in the night. Longsuffering. Revelation 12:7, 3:1-6, Revelation 16:8-15
02/09 Jude 1:1 Spiritual family vs. natural family.
02/10 Jude 1:2 Mercy and grace vs. guilt and misery
02/16 John 3
I Peter 1:22
In the world but not of the world. The purpose of the world is antagonism. John 8:19, John 17:4, Romans 13:1
02/17 Obeying civil laws. The law of love.
02/18 Jude 4-8 Dreamers. Ideas. The meaning of “Jesus is Lord.”
02/19 Q and A day.
02/20 Jude 8-9 Railing accusations.
02/24 Jude 10-11 The way of Cain.
02/26 Matthew 23:15
Mark 7:14
You are the one who tortured Christ.
02/27 Luke 2:1-14
Numbers 6:22
March 2004
03/02 Jude 10-12
03/03 Jude 12,13
I Corinthians 13
Raging waves, wandering stars.
03/04 Jude 13-17
03/05 Jude 17-19 Mockers. Going Crazy in your mind.
03/08 Jude 17-23
I John 3:16
Walk in the Spirit. Luke 23:39-46, James 3:8-18
03/09 Jude 19
II Corinthians 13:3-5
How do you know Jesus Christ is in you? I Corinthians 4:1-5
03/10 Romans 7:18 Spirit vs. sensual. Rebellion. What is going to cause you to leave peace today?
03/11 Jude 17
Haggai 1:3-14
“Sensual”. Prayer is desire for God. Romans 4, Isaiah 40:27
03/12 Jude 20
Jeremiah 1:4-10
03/15 Jude 20
Galatians 2:16
Galatians 3:9, Romans 8
03/16 Jude
Hebrews 2:8
Tim LaHaye is an idiot.
03/17 Jude 20
Philippians 4:4
The key sacrament of communion is to remind you from where comes your essential sustenance.
03/18 1 Corinthians 12:8- The gifts of the Spirit. Tongues. A gift of the spirit if: cannot be held onto, does not depend on external conditions or devices, does not focus attention on your self, doesn’t violate your will.
03/19 Luke 4:16-18
I Corinthians 12:1-2
The gospel’s foundation is Jesus Christ. If it’s about self, it is a false foundation.
03/22 I Corinthians 12
II Corinthians 3:15-4:6
No idols are good ones.
03/23 I Corinthians 12:2
I Thessalonians 2:1-4
Calling Jesus accursed vs. calling Him Lord.
03/24 I Corinthians 12:3
I Corinthians 6:15-20
Spiritual gifts are not for self-realization. II Corinthians 6:14-18
03/25 I Corinthians 12 Making decisions vs. no options
03/29 I Corinthians 12:4
Galatians 5:16
Spiritual gifts.
03/30 I Corinthians 12:8 Wisdom
03/31 John 6:27-29
John 5:30
Time and eternity.
April 2004
04/01 John 5:16 The Sabbath.
04/02 John 17
John 4:34
Speaking what’s there. Gossip. II Thessalonians 2:1
04/05 John 5:17-
Isaiah 28:8
To operate as a believer means to abandon rational thought, procedures, and agendas because you now have a new source of guidance and information. John 6:27-, John 8
04/06 John 5:17-22
John 5:30-32
How believers operate. John 6:28, Isaiah 38:8, John 8:25
04/08 John 3
Luke 16
There is no greater deception than that being in Christ is a benefit to us. Do you want to partake in the new creation? Leave you behind.
04/09 Leviticus 23
Romans 4:3
Passover Hebrews 4, I John 4, Ezekiel 8:7
04/11 Melito of Sardis Homily
04/12 Passover
04/13 Passover
04/14 God is in control.
04/15 Luke 24 The counting of the omer.
04/16 Luke 24
Leviticus 23:14
Counting of the Omer. Luke 24:25, Acts 1
04/19 John 20, 21
Matthew 13
Still counting of the Omer.
04/20 Hebrews 5 Christ did not do man any good / The tests of the human raceā€¦
04/21 Matthew 21:33
I Peter 1:14, 23
A guy named Cerinthus.
04/22 Ephesians 1:15-23 Something going on with you? Openness and confession.
04/23 Romans 5
John 14:15
04/26 I Corinthians 12:7-11
Luke 14:7, 6
Spiritual Gifts Proverbs 25:6-7, I Kings 4
04/27 I Corinthians 1:17
Matthew 22
04/29 Luke 22:7
I Kings 3:16-28
More on wisdom Matthew 2:13, Acts 26:12
04/30 John 2, 4 Man’s wisdom. Relics of the past.
May 2004
05/03 I Corinthians 12:8
John 7:11
Knowledge I John 2:18
05/04 I Corinthians 12
Colossians 1:24
The mystery: Christ in you, the hope of glory.
05/05 I Corinthians 12:8,27
Revelation 12
The cross
05/06 Matthew 3 The gift of knowledge: seeing as Christ sees.
05/07 Matthew 3, 11
Revelation 11
The ultimate word of knowledge: The axe is laid to the root of the trees.
05/10 Revelation 11
Romans 3:10
More about knowledge. Galatians 2:19
05/11 Ephesians 3, 4:11, 2:18
Galatians 5
The importance of prophesy – bubbling forth instead of damming up. I Corinthians 12:8, 14:1
05/13 I Corinthians 12:8 The Gift of Faith
05/14 Romans 15:18
II Corinthians 1:18
05/17 Acts 4:10, 25
Philippians 3
Faith and boldness. I Corinthians 12:8, Romans 3:19
05/18 Acts 4:23-31 Being ‘with one accord’ — John Rutledge
05/19 Matthew 17:19
Mark 11:20
Faith like a mustard seed. Forgiveness.
05/21 I John 5 Do you believe Jesus is the Christ?
05/24 The gift of faith. Self-awareness, the fruit of the fall, is eliminated by faith.
05/25 I John 1:5-10
I John 3:4-12
As regards the gift of faith. Luke 17:6
05/26 Ephesians 3 Humility is the acceptance, with gratitude, of all things internal or external that come into your life. Humility is the most powerful force in the universe.
05/27 Ezekiel 8:6
Psalm 139
The gift of faith is the ability to shift from your consciousness to his no matter what is before you.
05/28 I John 2:9-14 The gift of faith as regards little children, adolescents, young men, fathers.
June 2004
06/01 Genesis 2:16 Faith vs. naming things. Humility.
06/02 Galatians 1:3
Colossians 1:9
Flesh and Spirit Romans 8:20, Galatians 6:12
06/03 Daniel 2:42, 7:13 The gift of faith and the Lord’s prayer.
06/04 Galatians 6:14-16
Galatians 2:20-3:2
If you’re still trying to improve yourself or add something to you, it can’t happen. Without your death you will not follow after Him. You’ll just try to use the mystery of God for your own self-realization. Romans 10:6, Colossians 1:3
06/07 Galatians 5:1-16
Galatians 6:7
More on the gift of faith.
06/08 Isaiah 32 and 40
Ezekiel 36:16
The quietness and assurance that it is finished.
06/09 Acts 2 Zeal
06/10 Acts 2
Joel 2:28
The last day. Hebrews 8, II Thessalonians 2, II Timothy 6:13, II Timothy 3 & 4
06/11 Hebrew 8
2 Corinthians 15:5
You start the process by believing in him but end up living by the faith of him. Faith is common; it is the test of faith that is precious. 1 Peter 1
06/14 Hebrews 13:8
Luke 22:24
Bearing His reproach outside the camp. John 8:31
06/15 Gary asks the question – What sticks in these Bible studies?
06/16 Mark 7:14 Still on the gift of faith. Prophesy – saying what is there, not judging what to say.
06/17 Genesis 6
Genesis 8:20-
The fundamental problem is that we don’t believe we are fallen. We still believe we hold the solution. Job 14, Psalm 51, Isaiah 57
06/18 Hebrews 10:35
Micah 6:6
06/21 Isaiah 57:10
Genesis 1:1
The gift of faith requires your emptiness. I Corinthians 15:42
06/22 Luke 4:5
Acts 17:1 & 7
Emptiness, self-abandonment and the gift of faith. I Thessalonians
06/23 Matthew 16:13
Isaiah 57:1
Gift of faith: Christ, the anointing. Matthew 24:23, II Corinthians 3:14, II Corinthians 2:14
06/24 Hebrews 11
Judges 1
Hope. Christ is the ONLY living Hope. I Peter 1:6
06/25 Job 6:16
Psalm 16:7
The word “hope,” as defined in the English language, does not exist in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, it refers explicitly to Jesus Christ. Hope is confidence, trust or refuge. Anything else is idolatry. Psalm 31:21, Psalm 33:13, Psalm 78:5, Psalm 119:81,114,145, Psalm 130:6
06/28 Jeremiah 17
Joel 3:16
Hope, faith, and waiting on Him. Isaiah 64:1, I Corinthians 2 & 13, Judges 1, Romans 5,
06/29 Mark 1:14
Luke 17:20
More on faith and its relationship to hope. The time is at hand, it is finished. 1 Peter 1:3, Philippians 1:15, 2 Corinthians 3
06/30 Ephesians 1:1-23
Ephesians 2:5
The destruction of idolatry, personal desires, and hopes.
July 2004
07/01 Colossians 1
I John 2:28
Christ is the only Hope that doesn’t disappoint. Hebrews 6:13, Hebrews 7:13, Hebrews 10 & 11
07/02 Hebrews 11
Isaiah 63
Hope is the enemy of faith when hope is about your plans, ideas and agenda for the future.
07/06 Acts 28:16
Jeremiah 14 & 17
Christ, the Hope of Israel.
07/07 Ecclesiastes 3:10
Matthew 23:27
Travail that never ends. The seething blood. II Chronicles 24:17
07/08 Genesis 10:15
Joshua 18:21
The Jebusites II Samuel 5
07/09 Zechariah 10
Habakkuk 2:18
Word study of ‘bus’. Jeremiah 10
Jeremiah 1:8
07/12 Ecclesiastes 3:10
Romans 5
Only true Hope – the resurrection of Christ in you. I Corinthians 10, Judges 1, Isaiah 57, Exodus 34:10
07/13 Joshua 15:63
Judges 3
Jebusites. Hope. I Chronicles 21:18
07/14 Psalm 31:19
Psalm 33:10
Hope Psalm 39
07/15 Mark 1:14
Daniel 2:42
Christ’s message: This is the age of messiah; time is fulfilled. Daniel 9:20-24
Hebrews 12
07/16 Matthew 11
Galatians 3:19
Time is fulfilled.
07/19 1 Peter 1:3
Titus 2
The gift of faith permits you to see that you have been invaded from beyond.
07/20 Colossians 1:19 The signal for repentance.
07/21 Revelation 12:7
Isaiah 32:13
“Wondering after the beast.”
07/22 II Corinthians 5:13
Romans 5:10
The gift of faith cannot be apprehended by our flesh. Matthew 21:33, Romans 4
07/23 John 14:27
Ruth 4
Happiness vs. joy. Romans 14:17, Isaiah 57
07/26 Romans 5:17
Isaiah 8:13
Baptism. The peace of “it is finished.” Isaiah 29
07/27 I Chronicles 10
Hebrews 10:19
Who do you believe? David or the Jebusites?
07/28 Ephesians 3:14
Isaiah 55
One person completely yielded to God is the most powerful force on the face of the earth. If you still want something, go do it until you discover the futility.
07/29 1 Peter 1
Numbers 9:15
You are garrisoned by the power of God through the gift of faith. You can’t live in both the world of your mind and the world of faith. If in doubt or in fear, wait, rest, do nothing. If you sell out, you have opened the gates to the enemy.
07/30 I Corinthians 12
Matthew 3:5
Word of wisdom / word of knowledge I Corinthians 12
August 2004
08/02 2 Corinthians 1:18
Acts 18:24
When considering the gifts of the spirit, the predicate is – are you in him? 1 John 2:9
08/03 I Corinthians 12:7
Deuteronomy 32:39
The gifts of healing. Isaiah 19:19, Matthew 13:10, Luke 4
08/04 John 12:36
Matthew 13
The gifts of the spirit cannot be placed on the flesh. Healing.
08/05 Isaiah 53:4
Matthew 5
Healed means perfect , whole, complete, lacking nothing. Leviticus 11:44, II Peter 3:9
08/06 Disciple’s Prayer Jesus didn’t heal everyone.
08/09 Luke 4:16
Hebrews 2:15
Fear. Shame. The teenage years.
08/10 I Corinthians 12
Mark 1:21
3 kinds of healing. I John 5
08/11 Mark 16:17-18
Luke 1:1-4
Saying what’s there.
08/12 James 5
John 5:39
Psychosomatic conditions vs. creative healing miracles. 3 Greek words for healing.
08/13 Genesis 20
Exodus 15:22
Blessed (rafa) means ‘not subject to the fates’.
08/16 Ezekiel 13:3-16
Jeremiah 6:14
Healing. Peace. The evil of “healing the wound slightly”. Matthew 11
08/17 Numbers 12 Leprosy. Exalting oneself. The waters of purification.
08/18 Exodus 4:2
Leviticus 13:9
Work vs. Debt. Cleansing the temple requires constant repentance.
08/19 Genesis 12:1,2,3
Genesis 3:14
God’s promise is to the seed and not to the human race. More on leprosy.
08/23 II Kings 5:1-4
Luke 4:23
Naaman as the type of Christ. The significance of leprosy of the forehead in scripture. Ephesians 5:11, II Corinthians 10:3, II Thessalonians 2
08/24 1 Samuel 17
Joshua 24:13
We all have giants that we fear in our mind, which are the problems that we can’t solve. It is Christ in you that can cut off the head of your giants. 1 Corinthians 10
08/25 Revelation 6 How many horses have you let out?
08/26 James 1:12
Ezekiel 9
Lust brings forth the leprosy of the forehead. Doing of the word does not mean going forth in your own course of action.
08/27 Revelation 6 The body of Christ is eternal, no regard to time. Until, in you, the seventh angel stands and proclaims “there is time no longer” you can’t understand the Bible.
08/30 Revelation 6:1
James 1:12
The 4 Horses Revelation 4
08/31 Revelation 13
Daniel 7
The Antichrist. Revelation 12
September 2004
09/01 Revelation 12:7
John 3
The gift of God is eternal life – life without regard to time.
09/02 Revelation 6
Isaiah 32:13
The fifth seal. The real self is under the altar, protected from the universe of time and space.
09/03 Revelation 6
Ezekiel 9
The sixth seal. Experiencing the shaking of your reality. Hebrews 12:12
09/07 Galatians 5:29 Loving your neighbor as your self. If you’re living in Christ it comes naturally.
09/08 Galatians 5:14 There is no compatibility between the spirit and the flesh. One is suppressing the other.
09/09 Psalm 34
Isaiah 65:17-25
Tale bearing is the spreading of leprosy. Three are affected by tale bearing: the one spoken of, the listener and the speaker.
09/10 John 3:14
Numbers 21
The snake is doomed to eat dust. There is no way out.
09/13 Matthew 6:19
Matthew 7
Corrupt means ‘subject to decay or rust.’ Can anything that comes forth from the human mind not be corrupt? Ephesians 4:22,29, Jude 10, Revelation 19, 1 Timothy 6:8, 2 Corinthians 2:14
09/14 1 Peter 1 All that is natural is corruptible. We must be about that which is incorruptible.
09/15 Matthew 11
Jeremiah 6:13
Nothing can take you from Christ but your mind. 2 Peter 3
09/17 1 Corinthians 8
2 Corinthians 13:5
The moment you think you are right you’ve left spirit and entered judgment. The only answer is – you are dead and Christ is alive. Galatians 6, 1 Timothy 6
09/20 Psalm 27 Being at rest, on the mercy seat, under the wings of the cherubim. Do you have the courage to confess when you’ve left it?
09/21 Revelation 6
Hebrews 12
The shaking is always going on and you are constantly seeking refuge from it.
09/22 Zephaniah 1:14
Revelation 6:12
The shaking has to happen in you. When it happens, are you going to run and hide in your mountains?
09/23 Revelation 6:16 Your self-seeking mind is the only enemy of God. If you want to be a disciple, prepare to go to war with your mind.
09/24 Revelation 7 All the world is wondering after the beast.
09/27 Matthew 3:13
Daniel 9:23
You enter the kingdom by no longer being a debtor to the flesh. The kingdom of heaven is here and now.
09/28 Matthew 4
Numbers 9:15
A cloud of doubt means that you rest and wait on him. It is not up to you to do something. It’s up to him. Rest in that peace. Obligation to do something robs you of the joy of love.
09/29 Acts 1:6
1 Thessalonians 4:13
Do you have a template over your religious life, a prejudice by which you filter your Christianity? 2 Peter 3:7
09/30 John 15
1 John 4
The allegory of the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. There is nothing in the world that deserves your attention. All you do is be. The vine and the husbandmen are in control.
October 2004
10/01 2 Corinthians 4:7 You have to push the limits of your ambitions, thoughts and ideas to see that they are vanity.
10/04 Philippians 4 If there is something that you feel you must do, go quickly and do it. The sooner you discover the futility and emptiness, the better. Can you, instead, learn from the experiences of your brothers? Either he is the vine and you are the branch or you are your own God.
10/05 The most despised thing in your mind is weakness, dependency. To your mind, the cross is still the symbol of shame. Can you glory in affliction? Anxiety and depression are signals that you are trying to carry the burdens that are for His shoulders.
10/06 Ephesians 3 Why is everything spiritual diametrically opposite to the tendencies of the human mind? Why did God make it this way? You can’t go at it alone because at some point you will be deceived and will need exhortation from others. The only place of the spirit is in the now.
10/07 Psalm 92 The palm tree, because of its extraordinary and unique characteristics, is the symbol of Messiah. The pomegranate is another important symbol.
10/08 Ecclesiastes 5 Repentance is the way to stop the voices in your mind.
10/11 John 10 The four basic needs. The meaning of the feasts. The meaning of the sheepfold.
10/12 Ecclesiastes 1 Let’s review Ecclesiastes, just the basics.
10/14 Ecclesiastes 1:12 Vexation of spirit is chasing after the wind.
10/15 Ecclesiastes 1:14
Galatians 3:22
Are you consumed by what your eyes desire? How long will it be until you know it is all empty and meaningless?
10/18 Ecclesiastes 3 There is a time for everything. But when you pick up the cross the time for everything else is over.
10/19 What is in the ‘name’ of God? What does it mean to pray in the ‘name’ of Jesus?
10/21 Ecclesiastes 3:11
Exodus 3:11
The ‘I am’ can have no modifiers from our standpoint; he cannot be named. Are you in awe of his name or do you apply his name to your flesh which is corruptible?
10/22 Mark 9:36
Matthew 10:16
You cannot be ‘in his name’ unless you mortify the flesh.
10/25 1 John 5
Hebrews 1
To be in his name is to be in his character, in his nature. Galatians 4, 1 John 4
10/26 Matthew 10:38
John 14:19
Being in his name. Romans 5:6, 1 John 4
10/29 Proverbs 31
Ecclesiastes 3:15
The fear of God is the beginning of true wisdom. To take upon yourself the act of fulfilling the law is to become a hypocrite. Only one is able to do this and it isn’t you. Ecclesiastes 12:9, Psalm 139:7
November 2004
11/01 Ecclesiastes 3:15 When you are threatened with exposure, you will react defensively and offensively. This is how you know self is still there.
11/02 Ecclesiastes 3:16
1 Peter 4
11/03 Romans 2:25
Ecclesiastes 3:18
Circumcision in the Old Testament is what baptism is now. Without the circumcision that comes of Christ we are only beasts made from the dust. 2 Peter 2:8, Isaiah 64
11/05 Ecclesiastes 3:20
Hebrews 5:8
God’s own seed got him the victory. Everything else failed. Hebrews 7:3, 1 Peter 1:22, 1 Peter 1:3
11/08 Matthew 13
Galatians 1:6
An offense, a snare, will move you towards self-seeking and away from self-abandonment.
11/09 Galatians 2:11 We always want to know ahead of time what to do about a situation. This is the opposite of having the faith of Christ.
11/10 Ecclesiastes 4:7
Genesis 3
Our modern culture emphasizes ideas and imagination, which only lead to aloneness. Scripture tells us that it is not good for man to be alone. Genesis 11:3
11/11 Deuteronomy 17
Matthew 18
In the works of your own imagination you are only one witness, and this is unreliable and illegal. Without another witness you alone in your own little closet, not even aware of all the creations of your own mind.
11/12 Ecclesiastes 4:13 Self-seeking is covering the real gold, and the spirit will hammer away at you until it shines through. You can’t do it alone.
11/15 Ecclesiastes 4:14 Planning ahead is putting God where he is not. He is in the here and now.
11/16 Ecclesiastes 5 Who is the fool? The only way that the voices can be silenced is to know that they are lies. If you cannot bring shame to the voices yourself, then the brethren must.
11/17 Ecclesiastes 5:3-8 The way we flee from the emptiness. It is what drives the world. Can you exist without something to do?
11/18 Ecclesiastes 5:7 The only way to stop the mind talk is to know that it cannot stand against “It is finished.”
11/19 Ecclesiastes 5:7
Job 1:19
Fear of the Lord begins when you know that all in the world is illusion. To be content, without regard to the world, is the ultimate test of the fear of God. Psalm 49, 1 Timothy 6:3, 1 John 2:12, Isaiah 32:13
11/22 Ecclesiastes 5:8 What happens when you undertake a cause? The cause becomes your food. This is a form of walking according to the course of this world.
11/23 Ecclesiastes 5:8
Ecclesiastes 6:1
What is fraudulent must be exposed without regard to consequences. 1 Corinthians 5:9, Hosea 14
11/24 Marriage. Personal relationships. The communty.
11/29 2 Corinthians 13:4
11/30 Mark 19
Romans 8:20
Regeneration is the seed of Christ manifested in you. We’ve been translated into the kingdom and it has nothing to do with this world. The issue of the flesh has been settled; it is no longer to be tested because it is finished. Titus 2:11
December 2004
12/01 John 19:28
Galatians 1:9-
The mystery of regeneration, continued. For regeneration, you must be born again. He has already translated us. “We’re not waiting for some yo yo rapture thing, it’s already happened.” John 2:23-3:1-
Ezekiel 37
12/02 Genesis 1:26
2 Corinthians 13:5
Regeneration, continued. “Faith is living your life in his likeness instead of his image.” More on the issue “Jesus loves you?” And, why don’t scholars and other people have the same point of view?
12/03 Isaiah 1
Isaiah 26
What is a reprobate? What does willing and obedient mean? Why is ‘free will’ a deception? “The mystery is that he chose you to contain His life.”
12/06 Luke 15:11
2 Corinthians 5:14
Regeneration again. The story of the prodigal son is the story of the human race. “My son was dead, now he is alive.”
12/07 Proverbs 3
John 10
Delighting in chastisement. “The greatest blessing in the universe is not getting what you think you want.”
12/08 John 3:29
John 4:16-
“The best you can ever be as a human being is, a friend of the bride groom.” John 5
12/09 Matthew 11:25
Acts 15
Can the branch do the job of the vine? Are you growing your own root, trying to be the vine? “The channel to Godliness is choked by you.” Galatians 4:21
12/10 1 John 2
12/13 Luke 1:28 Mary as an example of what it means to be born again – The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee when you are fed up with everything else. God shall over shadow you and you are on the mercy seat.
12/14 1 Peter 5
Philippians 1
The purpose of the Holy Spirit is to exalt and reveal Jesus Christ. If you are in rebellion, you are saying to the Holy Spirit, “come and get me.” Every man from the beginning of time has run from the place of no hope. Stop the insanity, be at rest. 2 Corinthians 10
12/15 Isaiah 40
Isaiah 9
Never an excuse for leaving peace. The only enemy you have is your mind. Your warfare is over. Isaiah 37:31, Isaiah 1:5
12/16 Matthew 10:19 Trinity does what it does because that is what is put before us to do. There is nothing special here. Fraud cannot be tolerated.
12/17 The power of the broken heart.
12/20 Isaiah 40 More on the meaning of ‘born again’. “If you hold back you hate, if you withdraw, you murder.” The faith of Christ is within us.
12/21 Colossians 1:13-
Colossians 2:4
The normal reaction to affliction is to leave, to fix it, or “it’s someone else’s fault.”
The purpose of the affliction is that you would be humbled, emptied.
Either we are made perfect by one offering or we have more to do than we can dream of.
12/22 2 Corinthians 11:10 The mystery of obedience. Are you trying to transform yourself or, are you transformed in a new creation?
12/23 Colossians 1:27
Colossians 2:10
Have any of your hopes and dreams ever brought you anything? Your are perfect, you need nothing but what you have. The trappings of our affluent society serve only to take us further away. Weakness only brings you to revelations. Isaiah 50:6, Isaiah 57
12/24 II Corinthians 2:14 Some peoples lives are made of an almost infinite number of truces with no reconciliation. Forgiveness is your job; reconciliation is God’s job.
12/27 Isaiah 50:5-
Isaiah 57-10
Christians are not champions. According to the world’s definition we are failures. Do you know you are the chief of sinners? 2 Corinthians 4
12/28 II Corinthians 4 Honesty and shame. “Who told you that you are naked?” We cover our shame so well we forget it. Dilute the wine enough and it becomes difficult to distinguish it from water. Everything in society is moving towards the gratification and the enhancement of the isolated self.
12/29 2 Corinthians 4:3
Revelation 12:7
You are created as a vessel to contain light. Self-realization automatically causes blindness to this mystery. By the grace of God, you own all that you are, your cold, your pain, your circumstances. Why do you seek to change it? Genesis 1, Matthew 5
12/30 2 Corinthians 4-
Philippians 3:7
The moment that self is the issue, the vale comes down and you are blinded.
12/31 2 Peter 1 If you’re still thinking about getting better, you are ignoring human history. And you are trying to keep alive the lie.