January 2003 | ||
01/02 | 1 Peter 3:18-4:6 | Not forgiving yourself is a huge plague in Christianity. Feeling guilt insults God. The conscience is the voice of the anti-Christ, it’s not the voice of God. |
01/03 | 1 Peter 4:5-6 3:18-19 |
You can only be of value to God when you’ve failed at everything else. The ultimate failure is death. We can experience death before our death. 2 Corinthians 5:11-15, Revelation 10:5-6 |
01/06 | 1 Peter 4:7-11 | You’re not here to be fulfilled, you’re here to die to self interest. |
01/08 | 1 Peter 4:11 Isaiah 32:13-17 |
01/10 | 1 Peter 4:12 | To believe means an absolute and total reliance on, at the expense of everything else. “Optimism is cowardice.” |
01/20 | 1 Peter 5:1-5 | |
01/21 | 1 Peter 5:5-6 | Humility. |
01/22 | 1 Peter 5:5 Colossians 2:1-6 |
Humility – whatever is a gain to me is a loss for Christ. If you have a how to there can be no humility. |
01/23 | Isaiah 28:1-13 | Idolatry and ideas destroy humility. Everyone is looking for the time of refreshing. |
01/24 | Isaiah 28:12-16 1 Peter 5:5-6 |
Humility – accept with gratitude everything that comes into your life. The only way is repentance, emptying, abandoning self. Humility is impossible if you have hope in something other than the resurrection. |
01/27 | John Rutledge teaches. | |
01/28 | Gary Buckner teaches. | |
01/29 | Ezekiel 8:1-18 | Humility comes from intellectual integrity. Stop lying to yourself and the people around you. |
01/31 | 2 Kings 23:1-4 Hebrews 2:14-15 |
You either abandon yourself or you have to keep every word of the law. Fear of separation. The theology of the cross produces openness without shame. |
February 2003 | ||
02/03 | 2 Kings 23:4-16 | |
02/04 | 2 Kings 23:17-21 John 1:1-14 |
Pillars and groves. Cause and effect is the biggest enemy of mercy, grace and faith. Colossians 1:12-17 |
02/05 | 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 Colossians 3:16-17 |
Thought, word and deed. The mind of Christ is always in complete submission to God. We love our imaginations more than we love God. That’s the only reason we don’t cast them down. |
02/06 | Matthew 6:22-23 James 1:5-8 |
Thought, word and deed. It’s only in humility that we have confidence. Speaking what’s there. We must see that we are in union with the father at all times and trust that. |
02/07 | Mark 11:20-26 Matthew 17:19-20 |
Most of the time, we forget that we’re dead. Satan has deceived the entire world. Philippians 3:7-17 |
02/10 | ||
02/13 | 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 | Mind talk. Your warfare is about what you think is good. To enter the kingdom of God costs you your life. |
02/14 | 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 Isaiah 42:16-19 |
Mind talk must be dealt with. You feed the anti-Christ with mind talk. |
02/17 | ||
02/18 | Mark 7:6-22 Hebrews 9:13-14 |
The condition of your heart is the only thing God cares about. To live in the now is what the scriptures call humility. |
02/19 | John 14:27-31 Matthew 5:25, 38-39 |
The scriptures describe a way of life and way of thinking that has no home in human nature. Peace. The pillar. Know-desire-repent. Resist not evil. |
02/21 | Gary Buckner teaches. | |
02/24 | Psalm 23:1-6 Romans 11:33-12:2 |
Abandon yourself. It’s what you think is good that gets in the way. |
02/25 | Romans 12:1-2 | Humility. |
02/26 | Matthew 17:1-13 | The transfiguration. Renewal of your mind. |
02/27 | Hebrews 12:1-3 1 Thessalonians 4:12-18 |
2 Peter 3:1-15, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 |
02/28 | Luke 9:23-36 Acts 1:1-11 |
March 2003 | ||
03/03 | The idea that man is basically good is a fundamental fallacy. | |
03/04 | Romans 12:1-2 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 |
Our purpose in life is to be transformed. Hebrews 6:1-6 |
03/05 | 1 Corinthians 15:34-58 2 Corinthians 3:14-15 |
You have to know why you’re here in order to have humility. Humility is necessary to have a true relationship with God. |
03/06 | 2 Corinthians 3:14-4:6, 2:14-17 | |
03/07 | 2 Corinthians 11:12-15 | Stop masquerading. You hide because you’re addicted to self. |
03/10 | Gary Buckner teaches. | |
03/11 | 2 Corinthians 4:5-18 John 12:27 |
The life of Jesus is only made manifest by bearing his death. Likes and dislikes are the opposite of humility. |
03/12 | Gary Buckner teaches. | |
03/13 | Gary Buckner teaches. | |
03/14 | Gary Buckner teaches. | |
03/17 | Gary Buckner teaches. | |
03/18 | Renewing your mind. | |
03/19 | Ephesians 3:14-4:23 | Meekness, humility, patience. The battle is always against your mind. |
03/20 | Ephesians 4:17-28 2 Corinthians 13:5 |
Know that Jesus Christ is in you. Meekness, humility, yielded, surrender – other words for empty. What it means to move past feeling. |
03/24 | Ephesians 4:21-28 Romans 6:1-4 |
If you think you need more than you have, then you haven’t heard him and haven’t been taught by him. The only way to deal with shame is to wait on God. Renewal – gradual conforming to that which was and is. |
03/25 | Colossians 3:1-3 James 1:12-15 |
You’re not your own, you’ve been bought with a price. Just be. Your warfare is over. Revelation 12:7-12 |
03/26 | Colossians 3:10-11 Galatians 3:28 |
If you give any importance to anything of the senses, then the renewal of the mind stops. Matthew 11:7-17, Mark 7:14-23 |
03/27 | Hebrews 5:8-6:6, 10:22-31 | Milk of the word vs. strong meat of the word. You can’t begin the process of renewal of your mind so long as you’re consuming the milk of the word. Ephesians 4:17-19 |
03/28 | Hebrews 6:6-12, 10:35-39, 12:11-17 | Jacob and Esau. Patience – steadfast endurance. Tribulation – anything you don’t like. Experience – tested integrity. Romans 5:1, 2 Corinthians 12:1-10, James 5:5-12, 3 John 2 |
03/31 | Isaiah 55:6-13 Revelation 19:11-13 |
The only good and acceptable and perfect will of God is Jesus Christ in you, the hope of glory. Romans 11:33-12:3 |
April 2003 | ||
04/02 | Gary Buckner teaches. | |
04/03 | John Rutledge teaches. | |
04/04 | Gary Buckner teaches. | |
04/07 | Gary Buckner teaches. | |
04/08 | Gary Buckner teaches. | |
04/09 | John Rutledge teaches. | |
04/10 | Passover. | |
04/11 | Gary Buckner teaches. | |
04/14 | Matthew 22:36-40 | What happened at Passover must happen in you. At Passover you die and he is born. |
04/15 | Matthew 22:37 | Hope. |
04/16 | The plagues reveal your idolatry. | |
04/17 | ||
04/21 | ||
04/22 | ||
04/23 | ||
04/25 | ||
04/28 | Leviticus 23:4-17 | Counting the omer – coming out of what you think is good. |
04/29 | ||
04/30 | 2 Timothy 3:1-5 | Willing to forsake the right to say what you like and don’t like. Sloth comes from not going to war internally. |
May 2003 | ||
05/01 | Romans 3:10-19 Isaiah 59:1-21 |
The most pernicious lie is that you are getting better. The mind is only capable of self seeking. |
05/02 | ||
05/05 | 2 Corinthians 6 Revelation 18 |
We must come out of Babylon and the world. We do that by the counting of the omer. |
05/06 | ||
05/07 | ||
05/08 | Revelation 14:1-5 Romans 8:5-23 |
The feast of first fruits. Everything is opposite to what the world and your mind thinks is right: Death is life, captivity is freedom, and the cross is the tree of life. |
05/09 | Ester 6 Ezekiel 4 |
Many of the major events in scripture occur during the counting of the omer. |
05/12 | Hebrews 1 John 16 |
Counting of the omer. Fleeing the revelation of Christ because we still want the illusion of being in control. God’s own arm got him the victory, we lost. |
05/13 | Matthew 24 Luke 17:20 |
The kingdom comes not by observation. The kingdom of God is in you. 2 Peter 3, 1 John 4 |
05/14 | Hebrews 10:14 | Knowing the danger you are in. Knowing that you have been made perfect by one offering. |
05/15 | Ezekiel 1:3-22 | You don’t think about it, you act in his name and thereby depend on him. |
05/16 | Ezekiel 1:22 | To rely on your mind is to be a slave to the natural processes, including judgment. When God is the source of your next thought, you just act. |
05/19 | ||
05/20 | ||
05/22 | ||
05/23 | Exodus 18:21-27 Acts 1 |
Acts 4:34-5:11 |
05/25 | How often your own sustenance comes from the things of the world rather than God. Believing that gain is godliness. | |
05/27 | 2 Corinthians 3-4 2 Corinthians 6 |
How a believer responds to loss is a sign of whether he believes that gain is godliness. 1 Corinthians 4:8 |
05/28 | Romans 3 | When you know the law you will know that you are the chief of sinners. |
05/29 | 1 Timothy 6 2 Timothy 3 |
Godliness is to know that He is working in you and that all is as it should be. Ungodliness is to believe that it is up to you to decide, plan, do, or fix something. |
05/30 | 1 Timothy 6 Philippians 4:10 |
Godliness has nothing to do with worldly gain. Contentment is the permanent awareness that all is perfect and is at it should be. Hebrews 13, 3 John 1 |
June 2003 | ||
06/02 | Matthew 22:37 Micah 6 |
If you love God with all your heart, soul, and mind, then there is nothing left. The subtlety that beguiled Eve was that she needed something other than what God provided. |
06/03 | 1 Corinthians 10 | The whole purpose of time and space is to threaten your idolatry. |
06/04 | Idolatry will occur when things are not happening when and how you think they should. Believing that the Lord has abandoned you is the first step to idolatry. Waiting is the expression of your love for God. | |
06/05 | Deuteronomy 18 | What the human race lost at the fall. Witchcraft is what we do every day. |
06/06 | One outcome of the fall is wanting to know what’s next. Satan will have you believe in the bloodless self-redemption where you don’t have to die. | |
06/09 | ||
06/10 | Matthew 6:22 Matthew 7:21 |
A believer never has to make a decision. If there are options, you wait. James 1:8, James 4, Jeremiah 2:33, Job 11, Psalm 12 |
06/11 | ||
06/12 | ||
06/13 | ||
06/16 | God does not love the human race. His love is centered on his son and his bride. Where does that leave you? Christ in you, the hope of glory. | |
06/17 | More on the basics of being a believer. | |
06/19 | ||
06/20 | ||
06/23 | John 3:16 1 John 2:15 |
Understanding the love of God. 1 John 3:16, Romans 5:8, Romans 8:35, Isaiah 40:15 |
06/24 | Luke 24:13- | The disciples did not recognize Jesus after the resurrection. Later their eyes were opened. |
06/25 | ||
06/26 | 1 Corinthians 12 1 John 4 |
When you give importance to anything but God, you’ve been led away to the dumb idol. A gentile has to have idols. |
06/27 | Genesis 3:14 Genesis 49:9 |
Evidence of the mystery of Christ throughout the Old Testament. False hope will choke out the true hope, which is Christ in you. Numbers 21:5, John 3:11, Deuteronomy 18, Psalms 16 |
06/30 | Isaiah 7:14, 9:2, 11, 49, 52:13, 59:10, 61, 62:11 | Examples of how the Old Testament testifies only of Christ. It’s all the same story. The human race failed and God’s own arm got Him the victory. |
July 2003 | ||
07/01 | Isaiah 53 2 Corinthians 2:14 |
The Old Testament is about the revelation of Christ. To be lukewarm is to be a chameleon, adjusting yourself to accommodate the world of men. |
07/02 | Jeremiah 23:5- Romans 2:28 |
Your witness is only of Jesus and where he appears to you. Acts 26, Acts 28:30 |
07/03 | Revelation 12:7 John 14:27 |
Resist not evil and resist the devil. What you resist you affirm and grant it power. The bondage of the fear of death comes from associating self with the physical body. This is the false self. The real self is spirit. Matthew 5:38, Matthew 10 |
07/07 | Ezekiel 36 Job 42 |
The real land of God is you. |
07/08 | ||
07/09 | Daniel 2:24 2 Chronicles 7 |
Daniel 9 is often used to justify dispensation, but they forget Daniel 2. After the stone there are no more kingdoms or nations. 2 Chronicles 36:21, Jeremiah 26:4, Daniel 9 |
07/10 | Daniel 9:1-5, 20-26 2 Chronicles 36:20-21 |
70 Weeks of Daniel Chart Jeremiah 26:4-7 |
07/14 | Daniel 9:20 Matthew 24:15 |
More on the Old Testament revelation of Christ. The mystery of God is revealed only in your supplication – putting your head in the jaws of the lion. It starts with seeing the abomination of desolation. 2 Thessalonians 2 |
07/15 | Daniel 9:24 John 19:30 |
The 70 weeks. “It is finished.” Contentment is knowing this truth. Hebrews 10:9, Revelation 21 |
07/16 | Matthew 6:7-13 1 John 4:1 |
How do we view the many diverse translations of the Bible into English? Has the written word been so watered down as to lose its meaning? |
07/17 | Ecclesiastes1:1 | Taking the Lord’s name in vain does not mean cussing. The real meaning has to do with idolatry. Repentance is a way of life, not a single act. It’s knowing that you don’t deserve your next meal or even your next breath. |
07/18 | John 1:1-13 | He who takes the Lord’s name in vain will not be guiltless. To associate God’s name with that which is corruptible is taking it in vain. |
07/21 | 1 Corinthians 10:1 | Survival of the fittest is the driving principle of the world. Therefore, seeking to be the fittest locks you into the way of the world. This is in opposition to the way of the Spirit. |
07/22 | John 1 | Receiving the fullness of Christ depends not on time but on obedience and faith. There are phases to the spiritual journey – the world, the wilderness, the promised land, and the New Jerusalem. Ultimately you must abandon self because you cannot see God and live. |
07/23 | Psalms 19 Hebrews 2:8 |
All is under his authority. How can anything be out of place? When you see what appears wrong, it is an opportunity to see Christ. |
07/24 | Ezekiel 8:7 | The great transgression. Mind-talk, the survival mechanism for fighting abandonment. |
07/25 | Hebrews 9:11- Ezekiel 8:11 |
The nature of the human race. Even our so-called conscience is the accumulation of personality and culture. Ephesians 3:14 |
07/28 | Ecclesiastes 3 | The theology of glory vs. the theology of the cross. The theology of the cross opposes all that the world considers important. In the theology of the cross, suffering is not strange. |
07/29 | We may believe we are born to greatness but we are born to die. Only Christ is born to greatness. We can only partake in the inheritance through him. The singular purpose of the cross is to make men conformable to Christ. Free will is just a wonderful deception. | |
07/30 | John 5:33- | There is no cure for what you are. You can only leave it behind. That is the theology of the cross. |
07/31 | 2 Timothy 4 | We want to believe that we are improving. That shot of glory from a religious conferences and revival doesn’t work and it doesn’t last. |
August 2003 | ||
08/01 | Genesis 2:16 Genesis 3:1- |
To be an observer is to be a coward. Just be. |
08/04 | Philippians 3:7 2 Peter 3 |
What is a gain to me is a loss to Christ. In the world, loss has no merit. But in order to enter the kingdom of God, all that did not originate from heaven must be discarded. |
08/05 | Deuteronomy 27:26 Galatians 3 |
The curse of the fall. How-to can’t mix with grace. Romans 4 |
08/06 | The will of God for you is Jesus Christ. But to live as Christ requires your death. | |
08/07 | 1 Corinthians 10 Numbers 9:15 |
Adam was perfect in mind and body and Eve was even better. What did we lose as a result of the curse? |
08/08 | John 21:21 Isaiah 8 |
A look at the history of man’s relationship to God. |
08/11 | 2 Corinthians 4 | The mind and the senses are not made to see spirit, yet it is the overriding reality. |
08/12 | Psalm 139 Isaiah 54 |
“To live is Christ and to die is gain” precludes the idea of zero. |
08/13 | Jude 1:10 | What is ungodliness? Not knowing that the sacrifice of the Son of God is sufficient for all and for all time. |
08/14 | Philippians 4:4 | What does it mean to be born again? Most think that accepting Jesus as their personal savior makes them a better person, that they have now gained something and are now improved. To be born again means you are dead. You are not changed or improved, you are a totally new creature. |
08/15 | Matthew 11 Psalm 116:8 |
Why is His yoke easy and His burden light? Because He has finished the work and there is nothing for you to do. Mark 11:23 |
08/18 | 2 Chronicles 7:11 Daniel 9:20 |
The temple of God is us. Can you, for the first time in your life, remove yourself from the picture? |
08/19 | Psalm 119 Isaiah 54 |
The born again phenomenon. Truth is the sustained consciousness of error. Stillness is a thing of the soul in which there is no internal disturbance. Exodus |
08/20 | Man continued to fail in the attainment of holiness. In the end, only Christ, the begotten Son of God achieved holiness. Now we have life only through Him. | |
08/21 | Philippians 1 | God will not force you or overpower you in order to have fellowship with you. You must abandon yourself. |
08/22 | Philippians 1:18- Philippians 2:1- |
Even the worst circumstances, according to the world, can be a testimony to the power of God. Let this mind be in you that was in Christ. |
08/25 | Philippians 2:1-9 | Why did He empty Himself? His response is always dependence on the father. Let this mind be in you. |
08/26 | Ephesians 6 | Is there murmuring and complaining as you go through life, or are you working out your salvation with fear and trembling? |
08/27 | Ephesians 6:11 Isaiah 32:13 |
The whole armor of God must be put on. The warfare is not outside, it is internal. Christ did not respond the way we do to the world around us. |
08/28 | Philippians 2:12 | |
08/29 | Philippians 2:12 | The world is driven by cause-and-affect, which is the enemy of grace. |
September 2003 | ||
09/02 | Philippians 3:7 | Being made conformable to his death. Prophesying. Exhortation. |
09/03 | Philippians 3 Romans 11:32-12:2 |
Your ideas are attempts to flee the revelation of Christ. Once you’ve made yourself a living sacrifice you are God’s business. |
09/04 | Philippians 3:10-15 1 Peter 1:3 |
The nature of resignation. Being ready at any time for the unexpected grace. Seeing that all things are put under him. Hebrews 2:8 |
09/05 | Philippians 3:12- 2 Timothy 4:1 |
What does it mean to fill up the affliction lacking in the body of Christ? Colossians 1:19 |
09/08 | Philippians 3:18 Romans 10:6 |
Even by the enemies of the cross, Christ is preached. You must know that Christ is in you. Romans 5:10 |
09/09 | I Corinthians 13 | We cannot make love just another commandment. Love will remove all self-justification. There is no wiggle room. |
09/10 | Philippians 4:4 | To have the mind of Christ is to return to the place of joy. What are you allowing to rob you of that joy? Do you see only the perfection in all things? |
09/11 | Philippians 4:11 | Contentment is the state of being that comes of faith. Through prayer and supplication comes the peace of God. |
09/12 | Colossians 1 | The gospel is preached to the whole world; it’s the same everywhere. The meaning of “faithful.” |
09/15 | Colossians 1:3- | The truth of the Gospel is preached to the entire world. There is nothing left for you to do. When you abide in Christ, you can’t make a mistake. |
09/16 | Colossians 1:9 1 Thessalonians 4:1 |
You are sanctified by presenting yourself as a living sacrifice. Fornication is going anywhere else except to God for anything. Abstaining from fornication is how you honor the Father. |
09/17 | Colossians 1:12 Luke 22:47 |
We are delivered from the tyranny of darkness into the place of his love, which is in Jesus Christ. The tyranny of darkness is manifested in self-seeking. The hour of tyranny ended at the cross. Ephesians 6:10 |
09/18 | Colossians 1:14 | Returning to the kingdom of tyranny, the slave market. What a man thinks in his heart, so he is. |
09/19 | Colossians 1:16 1 Corinthians 14 |
God did not reconcile to Himself your mind. Your mind is still Satan’s playground. Trying to become something, to create your self, is the essence of sin. |
09/22 | Colossians 1:22 Titus 1:15 |
Only when Christ is your life, your identity, can you be pure. 1 Corinthians 6:9-, Hebrews 9:13, Hebrews 10:23, Hebrews 6:1 |
09/23 | Colossians 1:20-23 Hebrews 11:7 |
You are born again in His perfection, after which there is only repentance. You may return to the kingdom of darkness or you may remain in Christ. |
09/24 | Colossians 1:23 | The yoke of Christ is easy and his burden light. Freedom from the tyranny of self is the source of joy. |
09/25 | Colossians 1:26 Colossians 2:1 |
In Christ there is rest, peace, and joy. Out of Christ, there is striving, strife, and anxiety. |
09/26 | Colossians 2:1-7 | The body of Christ is knitted together in love by compassion. You have to participate in the body; there are no observers. |
09/29 | Colossians 2:7-11 | There is no progression of spiritual growth. We are complete in Christ. We are buried with him in baptism. |
09/30 | Colossians 2:8-11 | Everything that can be known of God is permanently at home in Christ. You are complete for His purpose, not for your purposes. |
October 2003 | ||
10/01 | Colossians 2:14 Matthew 22:1-14 |
Knowing that you are forgiven by the blood of Christ, you forgive yourself. The quickest way to become a spot on the garment is to not be vulnerable, to hide. When you keep things inside, you are sitting in judgment. Ephesians 5:20 |
10/02 | Colossians 2:14 | We are buried with him in baptism and we are resurrected with him. Being risen with him is the only safe place to be. |
10/03 | Colossians 2:14-15 1 Corinthians 15:45-58 |
Our debt is paid, once and for all. If you take it upon yourself, your debt is overwhelming. Christ has triumphed over all. Now we rest in him. |
10/06 | Colossians 2:15-19 | How did Christ triumph openly? He never listened to his mind. |
10/07 | Colossians 2:16-23 | Do we receive our nourishment from the head of the body, which is Christ? Are we knitted together as a body? Does our sustenance originate of Christ? |
10/08 | Colossians 3:1 | Hypocrisy is to be different outside from what you are inside. Hypocrisy is your natural state and it is taught by the world’s system. You deal with it in the body by complete vulnerability, no matter the cost. |
10/09 | Revelation 13:1 Colossians 3:1-3 |
Satan’s job is to get you to believe in you. The essence of sin is self-seeking. Set your affections on things above. |
10/10 | Colossians 3:3 | The book of Colossians. You will seek what you place your affections on – this message is repeated again and again in scripture. |
10/13 | Colossians 3:3-8 | How much of your thoughts are dedicated to things of this world? It is what the scripture calls filthy communication. You are the temple of God. Would you bring those things into the temple? |
10/14 | Colossians 3:8-15 | The basic principles in Colossians. Forgiveness is your business; reconciliation is God’s business. |
10/15 | Colossians 3:16 | You’ve got to say what’s there. The gift of the Spirit is to be used, otherwise you will lose it. Are you ready to just be rather than trying to be? Faith is you dying and Him living. Anything else is just a mind game. |
10/16 | Colossians 3:18 | The marriage is designed to typify the relationship between Christ and the church. A marriage based on need, rather than the mystery of God, will fail. |
10/17 | Preparations for a wedding – The man offers security, the woman offers fidelity. | |
10/20 | Colossians 4:1 | You don’t have your own agenda; your boss doesn’t have his own agenda. You work in faith, which works by love. |
10/21 | Colossians 4:1-3 | Is your speech seasoned with salt? The saints, apostles, the disciples – they’re just ordinary people like you and me. This concludes the book of Colossians. |
10/22 | Galatians 2:16-20 | The essence of Christianity says that we must fail at everything before we see the truth. We begin with faith in Christ; we are justified by the faith of Christ, giving no thought for ourselves. This is the definition of freedom, joy, and peace. |
10/23 | The first consecration of Abraham: he left the land of is fathers. The Spirit of God moves on you. You see the emptiness and futility of life, you find out that the earth is not your home, that you are no longer fit. You are fed up. | |
10/24 | Galatians 3:1-10 Genesis 3:11-19 |
Abraham completely understood the curse. Then he saw Christ’s day and was glad. |
10/27 | Luke 14:25-26 | Abraham’s second consecration: Leaving his family. The leaving of your family is spiritual, but its real and it has real consequences. |
10/28 | Self-realization, self-protection and self-fulfillment are the mortal enemy of the cross of Christ. To have zeal is to hate with perfect hatred anything that keeps you away from the total and complete abandonment of self. | |
10/29 | Matthew 18:1-6 | Except you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. There can’t be any conversion if you are still in the picture. |
10/30 | Isaiah 53 | All of the consecrations of Abraham were to protect the seed. You must also protect the seed. You protect it by revealing it. |
10/31 | Matthew 21 Isaiah 51 & 52 |
The gospel is about Christ in you, the hope of glory, and His Revelation is all that matters. God’s love is centered in Christ. The best you can be is a broken vessel. |
November 2003 | ||
11/03 | Galatians 5 | |
11/04 | Matthew 18:3 | Becoming as a little child is the opposite of what we think we should do. |
11/05 | Acts 7 | Before God’s appearing, Abraham saw the end of himself and the emptiness and futility of all that was considered important. |
11/06 | The Holy Spirit is doing one thing in the world. He is revealing Christ. | |
11/07 | I Corinthians 1:17-18 | Sanctification. Transparency. |
11/10 | Ephesians 4:13-15 | Abraham saw that truth cannot be anything that changes with time. Only by emptying oneself can someone speak the truth. |
11/11 | Ecclesiastes 3 | God has wrought all our works in us. He has made everything beautiful in his time. |
11/12 | Titus 2:11-3:10 I John 1:1-8 |
Eternal life is not subject to time. When Abraham saw this he left everything. Galatians 4:19- |
11/13 | Luke 22:28-32 | You don’t have a test. Everything that is happening to you is really happening to Christ in you. |
11/14 | The biggest problem man has is finding what it means to live by faith. | |
11/17 | Colossians 3 Hebrews 2 |
Christ is all and in all. |
11/18 | Psalm 138 | |
11/19 | Hebrews 4:14-16 | Everything that God is doing in and through us is the opposite from the way we are wired. |
11/20 | Luke 22:28-32 John 6:47-71 |
Satan has desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat. Are you going to continue with Him in His temptations, or do you still think there is something going on with you? |
11/21 | Hebrews 4:12-16 Revelation 19:11-13 |
The Word of God |
11/24 | Michael’s rebelliousness | |
11/25 | Isaiah 64:1-4 I Corinthians 2:3-9 |
What it means to wait on God. |
11/26 | Isaiah 40 Psalm 38 |
Wait only on Him. Be thankful for your poverty and need. |
December 2003 | ||
12/01 | Daniel 5 | You have been weighed in the balance and have been found totally lacking. |
12/02 | Luke 4:17-21 II Corinthians 12:1-9 |
The gospel is to the poor, broken failures. Those are the only ones who can hear. |
12/03 | Genesis 13 II Corinthians 6:3-10 |
Third consecration of Abraham: he left all of his possessions. |
12/04 | Galatians 3 Luke 8 |
The Bible’s purpose is to show you that you are a stupid failure that can do nothing. It’s not a handbook. |
12/05 | Genesis 15 | Abraham’s horror of great darkness. |
12/08 | Genesis 15:12-16 | In the horror of great darkness, Abraham saw Christ’s day and was glad. |
12/09 | Romans 7 | One way to be deceived is to focus on doing what you think is good. |
12/10 | Isaiah 58 & 59 | Abraham saw his own hopelessness and apprehended the meaning of sin. All your way is the way of iniquity. The seed of the Lord is now your life. The Sabbath rest. |
12/11 | (PG-13) Every person is a “truth seeker” but you don’t keep pushing, you sell out for something tangible to worship. It’s time that you got real. The last thing we need is more religious bullshit. | |
12/12 | Galatians 4:19-31 | Every single time you want a “how to” you are desiring to be under the law. |
12/15 | Galatians 4:19-21 Romans 3:10-20 |
The purpose of the law. |
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12/30 | I Timothy 6:10 I Corinthians 15 |
Fall into the ground like the pecan, thou fool. He alone has immortality. |
12/31 | Mark 4 | No effort. Our attempts to help only hinder. |